Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Deal Cafe followup

After getting many responses about New Deal Cafe's service and ability to properly cook their burgers, I decided to go back and see if my first time was a fluke. Service was good once again with regards to ordering and drinks. They had a beer cheese soup which I got and was delicious. I got the same order as the previous time - a cheeseburger cooked well done. When our food was brought out they had forgotten Kaicee's meal altogether and the waiter (the same one we had the first time) told us it was his fault and he completely forgot to put it in. I got my burger and it was quite obvious that it was NOT well done. The inside was pink. I told the waiter and he took it back to regrill it. He came over and apologized profusely. A woman I can only assume was the manager, whom many had told me they had poor experiences with, came over and apologized as well. About 3 minutes later she came back and told us it would just be another minute, which it was. The food was delicious as it was the previous time. At the end the waiter came by and told us he was very sorry and put a bag down on our table, explaining that it was a slice of his favorite cake, the Chocolate Mousse Bombe. It was packaged to go but we ate it right there and it was phenomenal. If no one had complained previously about the service or the cooking I would have thought nothing of it (places undercook my burgers all the time), and their rectification of the situation helped out a lot. I'm not going to change my ratings for them right now.

1 comment:

skidz said...

They manage to always undercook the burgers. I've been there at least 5 times & everytime my boyfriend gets a burger. He likes his burgers rare but has to order them medium so it's not mooing still!